
Fight at the Pump

Over the last week, our bank accounts have all been hit one place that we can't get away from - the gas pump. In my hometown, prices jumped almost $1 in some locations. So what does the goverment do? Blame it all on Katrina. Is Katrina to blame? Well, I could see that if it was a slight increase. But $1? How much of it has to do with Labor Day travels? Who knows. This might cause people everywhere to unite to complain to the feds. Here's the article on MSNBC. Let's don't just accept the high prices and move on.

Other interesting facts about gas prices according to AAA...
  • In May 2005, you could have expected to pay $6.21 in Amsterdam, $5.43 in Paris and $4.61 in Tokyo for your gallon of gas.
  • The earlier figure in August for the US was $2.62. I've seen in the news that's around the current average, but since it's well over $3 everywhere around me I don't believe it. It's rare when gas prices in NC are so far above the national average.
  • Over in Kuwait City gas was $0.68 last month, and the lucky drivers in Caracas (the capital city of Venezuela for all of you who are rusty on your geography) paid a meager $0.12.

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