
Marriage Under Fire

Our culture is one where we try to cater to everyone. Christians have molded into this behavior as well. We don't want to offend others with our beliefs, so we silently let ourselves be rolled over. Our values are attacked, and we let it slide. Morals are thrown out the window before us on TV and other aspects of the media. And we take it.

Now marriage, the God-appointed foundation of our society, is being attacked. We can't let homosexual marriage become commonplace. It's time for Christians to take stand. God says it's wrong, so it's wrong. It's as simple as that.

Now, just so I am perfectly clear, I am in no way, shape or form encouraging discrimination against homosexuals. God's Word says hate the sin, love the sinner.

I encourage you to contact your government. Every person can make a difference. Let's not just sit back and let this issue slip by us.

Resources to check out:

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